Gleðilegt nýtt ár - Happy New Year
Another crazy New Years Eve is behind. This year my neighbours threw a show for us, they had so many fireworks that they were nonstop from 8pm to 2am. It was really nice even though my roof window now has paper snips frozen stuck to it(from blown up fireworks). I heard on the news that Icelanders had set another record: most fireworks bought ever in Iceland. I think Icelanders set this record every year. At least since I was born.
Actually the New Years Eve I remember the most from childhood was when my sisters friend Bragi came to visit. I was maybe 5 or 6 so he would have been in the age group of 20-30 which is the age group that's most famous for buying fireworks (I mean a lot of them, 14 year olds can't afford to buy a lot). So of course Bragi had a lot of fireworks (which was a good thing in my opinion). What stood out was this circle kind of thing that was supposed to be hung up on a wall and when tended it was supposed to go in circles (I think). Anyways where I used to live we had this wooden wall that was both perpendicular and parallel to our house (the house was like an L and the wooden wall finished the U) and Bragi hung this circle up on that wooden wall. What I remember next is everyone running away because this crazy firework thing just started moving towards the house. It was kind of funny - at least in my memory.
But yes just wanted to whish everyone a happy new year and encourage you to come to Iceland over new years at least once in your lifetime. You'll see the most amazing (crazy) firework display ever and if you stay till Jan 6th you might even see elves.
Gleðilegt ár Ragna mín og takk fyrir það gamla :) sjáumst hressar og kátar í jólaboðinu á þrettándanum :) þ.e.a.s. ef þú verður ekki að drepast í munninum eftir jaxlatökuna :-/ gangi þér allavega vel í henni :)
Kveðja Hanna frænka
Takk sömuleiðis - hlakka til að sjá þig. Jaxlatakan var skárri en ég hélt ;)