Þú ert hálfviti eða með ástarkveðju...
A weekend of no work is over. To compensate for that, I'll spend my holiday in the city - doing work...
I visited my parents at my sister's from Thursday to Saturday when they went back to Iceland. It was fun, I got a lot of shopping done. 15 minutes before I left for the city again I even managed to gather everyone around and we got a family photo. I'm so looking forward to seeing the outcome.
When I came back on Saturday I met up with Valla that had already arrived to visit me. We managed to catch up on lot of stuff (if you know either one of us - we probably talked about you hehe) and I even took her to the Indian restaurant. This time around it wasn't enough to just get the attention of The Waiter, no another one starting being "really" nice and among other things we got the question "so are you going to a party later..."
After a nice trip to the East Village and Alphabet city where Valla managed to get a cocktail that was more like a desert (she even had to get a spoon to scoop up the rest) we headed home. We got home early but stayed up drinking a margarita expertly blended by me and ended up staying awake till 5am after "watching" the Pocahontas movie The New World. Don't ask me what it was about - I have no idea, I just know it was quite boring...
Sunday we walked around Chinatown and Soho and ended having Mexican for dinner with a really really good strawberry-banana margarita. We did a lot of great deals this day though we didn't buy any Prada bags or Rolex watches...
Something else, I just found out that my friend Ragnhildur has found herself a new best friend. I've been replaced. So the only thing I can do is to admit my defeat and show you a picture of the two of them together:
Slappaði af um helgina. Eftir heimsókn til Siggu til að hitta mömmu og pabba þá hitti ég Völlu í borginni. Við brölluðum margt, tók hana m.a. á indverska staðinn þar sem þjónarnir eru orðnir tveir sem sýna óvenju mikinn áhuga á okkur. Kíktum aðeins niður í bæ um kvöldið. Á sunnudeginum fórum við í Kínahverfið og Soho og náðum að gera kjarakaup. Fengum svo mexíkanskan mat um kvöldið þar sem hápunkturinn var góða jarðarberja-banana margarítan.
Svo er Ragnhildur víst búin að eignast nýja besta vinkonu. Myndin hér að ofan er af þeim tveimur saman. PS. fyrirsögnin er fyrir Völlu - get útskýrt hana á msn ef fólk vill...
iss... bæði er betra, þú og gæsin ingó (sem er komin á nýja heimilið sitt: baðherbergið)