Ragna í New York

23. október 2006

The attack of the gummi bears

Anyone's welcome to stop by at my office and get a gummi bear from me. A moment of craziness on last Wednesday night ended in me now having a lots and lots of gummi bears. Thanks Tim ;) Actually Tim is supposed to be the next one having that moment of craziness... we'll see how that goes...

Allir velkomnir að kíkja í heimsókn og fá hlaupbangsa. Smá stundarbrjálæði olli því að ég á nú alveg fullt af hlaupböngsum, þökk sé Tim (hann hefði getað stoppað mig sko). Reyndar er það Tim sem á að splæsa næst... hlaupkókflöskur...mmmm

Ef einhver mun nokkurn tí­ma lesa þetta þá má hinn sami láta mig vita. Verðlaunin eru kvöldmatur - ég splæsi. If someone will ever read this then you can let me know. You'll have to tell me were on the webpage this code is. The prize, dinner on me. Condition is that you have to know me ;)