Ragna í New York

18. október 2006

How To Guide

Thanks all you guys that have taken the time to look at my blog. Harold just told me that even though you can’t understand Icelandic but are still interested in understanding my previous entries you can always use www.tranexp.com. Actually I found out that my favorite word is not anyways as I thought but snuggle. I guess it’s because I like to snuggle a lot...

Now a short guide to this page, below every post you can click on a link and comment, i.e. “skoða álit annarra” will let you look at other peoples comments and if you want to contribute you can go to the bottom of the comments and click “viltu tjá þig?”. Now on the right side of the page you can find my photopage by clicking “myndasíða” which is located under my contact info. I do have to admit that it has not been changed for a year now, I realized that when I took my picture the other day and found some, uhu, 1 year old pictures on my camera. Everything else is just links to my friends blogs and if I remember correctly it’s all in Icelandic. Of course you could use the www.tranexp.com site to translate those blogs too, you’ll be surprised how much Icelanders like to snuggle...

Hæ sorrý allir Íslendingar, þetta eru bara smá leiðbeiningar fyrir enskumælandi fólk sem að skoðar síðuna mína. Ekkert merkilegt hér að ofan mæli þó með að þið prófið þýðandann www.tranexp.com góða skemmtun...

Ef einhver mun nokkurn tí­ma lesa þetta þá má hinn sami láta mig vita. Verðlaunin eru kvöldmatur - ég splæsi. If someone will ever read this then you can let me know. You'll have to tell me were on the webpage this code is. The prize, dinner on me. Condition is that you have to know me ;)