Ragna í New York

15. nóvember 2006


Libor was so gracious of allowing me to post this picture he took today.
Bill Clinton at Columbia 11/15/2006After the discussion I walked with Rachel and Petr to 114th St. Bill Clinton was standing outside with his fancy dressed secret service agents (and others, I just noticed the fancy dressed, earpiece guys). Anyways not that many people were standing there so we had a good view of him. When he's going into his svu Clinton waves to us and this one guy standing behind us waves the program booklet and a pen asking for an autograph - and Clinton nods OK, so the guy got an autograph. But we were too late cause the 5 seconds it took us to realize that we could have handed ours too was 5 seconds too much. I guess I have to learn how to behave when I see celebs here. I obviously don't know the rules - need someone to teach me, hehe. Anyways, the guy who got the autograph got a congratulations from the woman bringing the program back to him.

Ef einhver mun nokkurn tí­ma lesa þetta þá má hinn sami láta mig vita. Verðlaunin eru kvöldmatur - ég splæsi. If someone will ever read this then you can let me know. You'll have to tell me were on the webpage this code is. The prize, dinner on me. Condition is that you have to know me ;)